Advanced Physiotherapy

April 28, 2024   —   May 30, 2024

Advanced treatments

With a degree in Physiotherapy and a Master degree’s in Cardio-Respiratory, Marta soon turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine, seeking an integrative knowledge about the body, health and well-being. She later deepened her knowledge into Functional Nutrition and Motor Control through Pilates Method.

Marta developed her approach for 6 years at a private clinic in Oporto. The so called Advanced Physiotherapy, combines manual massage techniques, breathing techniques, visceral manipulation, body postural corrections and motor control. She specialises in women’s health.

Self described as genuine, audacious and organic, you can meet this remarkable young health practitioner at Vila Vita Spa by Sisley Paris.


April 28, 2024 - May 30, 2024

Marta Gomes Advanced Treatments

  • 10:00


Trigger Points Therapy

  • 60 minutes - 155 €

A therapy  combining  manual  pressure  on  spe-cific points with breathing techniques. Its neu-romuscular  therapy  design  speeds  up  recovery  from injuries, corrects muscular imbalances and relieves pain. The aim of this therapy is to re-duce pain, rebalancing the body and promoting healing. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. They produce pain locally and cause radiation pain towards a zone of reference and a local twitch response.

Manual Therapy Rehabilitation

  • 75 minutes - 175 €

A manual therapy combining breathing techniques, motor control and body postural corrections in order to reduce pain and to rebalance the body through the stimulation of its own self-healing mechanisms. In addition, it is good against fatigue, it promotes a better posture and health in general.An instruction guide to adapt your lifestyle to what your body is asking, modulating through three pillars: breathing, food and movement, may be provided.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 60 minutes – 185 € || 90 minutes - 230 €

This therapy focuses on maintaining the Yin-Yang balance in order to maintain health and prevent illness. The treatment is based on body, mind and spirit balance, restoring the Qi, Yin-Yang balance and health through acupuncture, technique that stimulates specific points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin, stimulating the body’s natural painkillers that affect areas in the brain involved in processingpain. A good therapy for releasing any kind of pain and balance emotions, diminishing stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and muscle cramps.

Myofascial Release

  • 60 minutes – 155 € || 90 minutes - 205 €

A type of physical therapy used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. This is a chronic pain disorder caused by sensitivity and tightness in myofascial tissues. These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout the body. Myofascial release massage and stretches technique is a very good approach to relieve pain and tension.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • 60 minutes – 155 € || 90 minutes - 205 €

A well-known technique for its effect on immune system and circulation. This light pressure massage stimulates the tissues by reducing fluid retention and toxins. This treatment develops a diuretic and relaxing outcome and is very effective to detoxify, reduce body volume, treat cellulite and relieve symptoms of heavy and tired legs.An instruction guide to adapt your lifestyle to what your body is asking, modulating through three pillars: breathing, food and movement, may be provided.

Paediatric Massage

  • 50 minutes – 130 €

A therapy where massage or manual manipulation of soft tissues is used in order to promote health and wellbeing for children. The main objective is to reduce pain, tension and anxiety, as well as improve body posture. It also improves the immune system, gastrointestinal functions and sleep patterns.

Deep Abdominal Massage

  • 60 minutes – 130 €

The abdomen is the central part of the body. The core blends upper limb and lower limb. Everything is connected. Deep abdominal massage is a hands-on therapy used to treat abdominal pain, constipation, cramps, difficulties to digest and balance the gastro-intestinal system improving health status. An instruction guide to adapt your lifestyle to what your body is asking, modulating through three pillars: breathing, food and movement, may be provided.

Pilates & Breathwork

  • 60 minutes – 105 €

Benefit  from  a  supervised  private  class,  where individual strengths and weaknesses are explored, respecting the body, rhythm, time and expression. 

Cranial Sacral Therapy

  • 60 minutes – 130 €

A therapy where gentle touches are used to examine membranes and the movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. The aim is to relieve tension in the central nervous system, promoting a feeling of well-being, boosting health and immunity and balance mental health.

Integrative Women's Health

  • 150 min – 300 €

Lifestyle consultation, background, body evaluation regarding posture, mobility, visceral and facial work. With manual therapy, stretching, motor control and mobility, we work on the body relationship, in order to the patient to be in connection with the woman she is, using breath work, pelvic awakening and anti-inflammatory diet.

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Marta Gomes - Wellness practioner

About Marta Gomes

Marta Gomes is an experienced physiotherapist with more than 15 years practical experience in the field. She graduated in physiotherapy at the Escola Superior de Saúde in Porto, Portugal, and later went on to complete a master's degree in cardio-respiratory physiotherapy, as well as a post-graduate degree in Chinese Medicine. Marta places great emphasis on continuous learning and development and has dedicated the last decade to studying and expanding her knowledge in various fields, such as Pilates, low pressure abdominals, advanced manual therapy, systemic psychology, human sexual behavior and sexuality, functional nutrition and psychoneuroimmunology, among others.

Marta has had a diverse career working in primary healthcare, with a football team, and in private clinics, often providing personalized one-on-one care. She also began leading group workshops on natural cooking and pelvic movement before the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the pandemic, she shifted her focus to luxury spas and wellness centers when she received an invitation to work at Six Senses Douro Valley. Since then, she has been invited to work at several other high-end spa and wellness centers, including Six Senses Zil Pasyon, Six Senses Zighy Bay, Vila Vita Parc, and Beau-Rivage Palace.

Marta's passion for women's health led her to specialize in the relationship with the body and its impact on overall well-being. She defines her approach as organic, bold, and authentic, based on her belief that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to leading a fulfilling life.

Marta believes that a healthy lifestyle encompasses physical, mental and social well-being, and emphasizes this in her work. Her focus is on promoting self-acceptance, body awareness, self-care, and respectful relationships. Through three key pillars: food, breath and movement, Marta offers workshops and programs such as Power of Breathing, Good Food and Pelvic Awakening Movement, designed to empower women on their health journeys.

Marta also offers advanced physical therapy treatments such as trigger points, myofascial release, Chinese medicine, manual rehabilitation therapy and cranio-sacral therapy on an individual basis, tailored to each client's specific needs. Marta’s approach involves giving special attention to the core incorporating a variety of techniques and strategies beyond the core muscles. For those who are unsure of which approach is best for their body, Marta provides comprehensive assessments to determine the most appropriate treatment options.

In conclusion, Marta is committed to helping women achieve optimal health and wellness through her extensive knowledge, experience and passion. As she believes, “Health depends on how we live, how we look after our body,” and Marta strives to empower women to live their best lives by taking care of their bodies, minds and souls.

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